meet Agent99: a feisty chicago gurl making the rounds through her 30s accompanied by her canine sidekick, WeeBeastie.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

something tells me i won't be missing this "relationship"

i got a call yesterday from another agent in chicago. these folks are strictly non-union, and while i most definitely aspire to join the union and make love to its performance rates, in the beginning stages of this endeavor, i shall not be casting aside any opportunities.

so, this agent wanted me to come by on thursday for an interview and audition to see if they'd like to bring me on their roster. initially, i was very interested, but told this dude that i'll be out of town and asked if we could make it tomorrow or next week. he then went on to inform that rescheduling wasn't possible and they'd keep me in mind for "the next batch". i pried a bit further and it turns out that they don't schedule any new talent interviews until they get a big pile of each catagory (v/o, print, film, etc), at which time they bring everyone in all together to interview. he was in a big rush to get off the phone and told me this was best, because when they'd tried to honor people's schedules in the past and slid them into an interview group that wasn't their "batch", "they just fell right through the cracks and didn't get to showcase themselves".

now, how you gonna tell me that if i'm in a room with 50 wannabe models, my 5' frame is going to not be noticed? seriously! you've got one person who speaks in the thick of a "batch" who are there to look good, and the odd man out is not going to be noticed? that's fine. that leads me to believe that the situation with the agents in this office wouldn't be the best. if you aren't interested enough to schedule an appointment for me, then i doubt you'll be inclined to work very hard on my behalf. you go ahead and call me when the next batch is ready to be harvested, and it will please me greatly to tell you "no thanks."

yes agents, please heed and book me!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Agent99, multi-listed talent

more good news on the voiceover circuit! just added another agent to my stable of respresentation!!

my new scorecard is now:

milwaukee (2)

i'm gonna read for an ice cream ad!

look ma, a talking swimming pool!

yesterday started off with an audition at my chicago agent's place. have to say that it's a noticeably cheaper endeavor to do a read there rather than for my outta town agents. until i get my little home studio up and running, i must go to VoxyLady's for recording services. *love* the work the engineers do for me, but even with her discount rate, it's still $35 a pop compared to an expensive day @ my local agent where i spent $14 on parking. (normally, i can slide a meter spot for a few bucks.)

today's read was pure gold, content-wise. here's the specs from the casting agency:

"you are the voice of the backyard pool. you have become as affectionate as the family dog, as reliable as the old station wagon and as dependable as the mighty oak climbing tree.

auditions can be male or female and should be conversational in tone.

you are the voice of the BlahBlah brand."

a few gems i got to read:

"this is your pool. i'm one marco polo game away from turning green. just use BlahBlah once a week and i'll sparkle."

"i'm your pool. i've brought more families together than the dinner table. if you want me to sparkle, you'll use BlahBlah once a week."

i love the variety of products i get to practice on each time i audition. it's very entertaining.

decided to take the scenic route to the office after the audition by taking lake shore drive all the way to the end @ sheridan, nearly back to my old rogers park stomps, and coming in the back way to work. it was one of the clearest winter days i've seen this season and the water was springishly lovely. i always enjoy getting a little lake cruise in.

made it through a long day of job culminating with a visit from one of our vendors, a seemingly nice southerny guy who actually referred to the quality of his ground crews in this fashion: "now, we've got guys who know what they're doin' with this equipment. i ain't talkin' about a bunch of mexicans running things or anything like that."

white man talk racial shit to other white man -- think all think like him. ugga ugg! (beats chest)

seriously, when is that annoying practice gonna cease in my world? why do other caucasians continue to assume that just because we share a skin pigment, i'm gonna be on board with your thinly disguised racism?

again, a decent enough guy, but sheesh!

arrived home seriously congested and sluggy. veggie corn dog and cheezy mac
for dinner, then spent the remainder of the night curled up with Mole and WeeBeastie on the futon, watching a splendid documentary, "the fog of war" about the united states' adventures in vietnam.

talking pools to talking fools, all in one day.

carpool buddy?

this is too much:

Police Officer Mark Watters displays a mannequin that was confiscated from a driver who was arrested Thursday morning in Westminster, Colo., for allegedly driving in a high-occupancy vehicle lane with the mannequin dressed to look like a passenger.

it can't be that important to ride in the speedier lane, can it?

apparantly so.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

this *my* hood! nobody gonna run me up out of it like a bitch!

for someone who is always pontificating about crime being everywhere, unavoidable, you can't live in fear, don't assume the worst in people, i now find myself in the perilous position of having to sit back and accept the gang activity that is making its presence known more and more in my immediate home vicinity.

as i was coming home from work one night last week, i parked at the end of our block and immediately came face to face with a chicago p.d. paddywagon, skulking the intersecting street. the two officers stopped the vehicle and gave me the staredown. thankfully, i was not blazing a blunt. they moved on and as i climbed out of the car, i noticed a couple with their faces pressed to the window of the second story apartment above me. gave them a jaunty wave and headed across the street to my building. my downstairs neighbor was being dropped off, so i held the door for a moment. i noticed an unusual plain car creeping up our one way street in the opposite direction with all these flashing jolts in the headlights. modified sirens, if you will. at the same moment, a man approached from the opposite direction on the street and asked us if we'd heard the gunshots.

the what????

literally, while i was pulling onto our street, someone was shooting into a house on the next block. we briefly chatted with this man who'd heard the shots, said they were a few rounds, like a short series of taps. the police cruisers pulled up, asked if we'd seen or heard anything. i got the hell up in my house, noticing the new gang tagging that had taken over both the houses at the end of our block. our first floor neighbor briefly joined us, and needed some explanation about the danger signs of tagging. (i think she may be new to the city.)

not two days later, i was finishing another long night at the office when Mole called. "just wanted to give you a head's up that there was just another shooting down the street."

oh, hell no.

twice last week -- TWICE -- rounds of gunfire was exchanged in the next block from our apartment. about six houses from mine, turmoil was raging. you know, i still won't buy in to any needless frenzy over people's skin color or perceived social status, but i also will not tolerate some punk ass gangs taking over my neighborhood. i will not be creeping around my area, worried about either someone bearing down on me, or worse yet, just happening to be on the wrong stretch of sidewalk, tagging WeeBeastie for a stroll, when a bunch of bullets start flying around.

when i left for the office this morning, again there was a shower of sirens and an ambulance perched further down in that block. i didn't hear gunshots and the vehicle's appearance may just be coincidental, but i don't feel like we can be too hasty with putting our concern to bed these days.

Mole sent an e-mail to our alderman a few days ago and received a prompt response assuring increases in police presence and suggesting we attend the next CAPS meeting in our area. we shall.

i won't be leaving this street without a fight, no sir.

Monday, January 23, 2006

for the love of WeeBeastie

yesterday marked two years of doggie ownership for the Mole and me. WeeBeastie, the first in surely a long line of terriers, rules the roost.

a stoic canine, WeeBeastie enjoys exhibiting her selective hearing.

the hound does succumb to some weaknesses...

okay, the fish oil is a stretch, but she does love the contents of the treat tin.

a few of her finest digital moments:

how we love the 12-year-old bossy.

betcha'd like to go to hawaii too!

betcha i would!

winter is returning to my hood a bit. nothing unbearable, but noticeable all the same. a few inches of snow collecting with some ice. you can dodge water trenches sans boots and come out okay. gloves and hat a must though.

easy breezy weekend with colder air but sunny skies. brunching throughout. on saturday, @ the flying saucer with Mole and yesterday @ m. henry with Namaste. recorded a radio play with VoxyLady's crew. lots of reading and napping, which i could only use more of. fingers crossed for a calm week.

my cousin's in-laws are burying a son today, as i type this. dead by his own hand, in his late 40s, by all reasoning a successful entrepreneur. it makes me sad to think of how lost he was.

Friday, January 13, 2006

what gives with "michael was killed by"?

seriously. 11 people came upon this blog today by google searching "michael was killed by". what is the deal? are people really digging my story about my boss tricking me last april fools day with a story about michael jackson killing himself in the middle of the big pedophilia trial? no one is staying long to check things out, so i'm dying to know what the search is all about.

i beg you, someone please comment! almost a dozen people (give or take the new jerseyan who hit this search multiple times and kept coming back to this blog) from various corners of the states all searching for this weird term? what is up?

in other news, i just arrived home from my first trip into milwaukee. we drove past a few times this summer on our camping jaunts, but i'd never been in the city. met up with both of my agents there and am pushing forth with the v/o. it's good to make strides.

off to st. louis tomorrow to help my family. medical drama all around.

Monday, January 09, 2006

portland oregon and slow gin fizz

during my autumn foray to the pacific nw, i was able to see my family in corvallis, oregon. my aunt and i spent the day on the coastline, which was just as lovely as i remembered it from a few years ago.

beauty to your left:

beauty in yo face:

beauty to your right:

sigh. i love this part of our country.

why winter in chicago is working for me

let us offer praise that this is steering clear of us for awhile!

Current mild spell: One for the record books

Tom Skilling, WGN-TV chief meteorologist

January 5, 2006

In the 15 days from Dec. 22 through today, Chicago's afternoon temperatures have
ranged from 35 to 47 degrees. Many would say that's hardly a bargain--but
consider that the city's normal daily high now is 30 (degrees), and daily
readings in January climb into the 40s on only one day in four.

It has not been spectacularly mild since Dec. 22, but it has been persistently
mild--and that's the story.

Chicago's daily high temperatures have remained consistently at or above 35
(degrees) since Dec. 22, a feat which has been accomplished only twice before
(Dec. 22-Jan. 5 of 1877-78 and 1907-08) in 135 years of official temperature
records for Chicago.

Daily minimum temperatures, too, have remained exceptionally high in recent

The city's normal daily low now is 15 (degrees), but since Dec. 23 the
temperature has averaged 34 (degrees), fully 19 degrees above the normal level.


snow and ice, your kind ain't wanted 'round hur!

Friday, January 06, 2006

let not the wrath of god strike me down

lots of folks want my agency's representation. and lots of folks are going to have to keep that wanting alive. i've never seen such hilarious "promotional" materials as the shit that keeps flying in this place from multiple people who really think they are marketable. who must be getting some kind of tiny gigs somewhere, or they wouldn't be shilling our way. i'm never surprised at what the masses will enjoy, but if you can't think of one potential buyer for an act, that ain't a good sign.

i recently received an e-mail from an older man who i will not name (don't need no karma nipping my ass as i make fun of him, but as long as it's anonymous, there's no shame in my game.) we keep a file of the most outrageous promo we receive and if he'd sent me a kit, i'm willing to bet he would have made the cut.

he said:

Please take 322 seconds to read a representative excerpt below from my one-hour standup routine I call NOAH AND METHUSELAH.


I am NOAH: Shaking nervously I saunter center stage, grab the microphone in my left hand, and, looking stage left nervously scanning the sky for signs of RAIN, step obliquely back with my right foot and speak in a crackly tenor's voice to a person stage left. Suddenly

I am METHUSELAH: I switch the mike to my right hand, pivot stage right, step back with my right foot looking open-mouthed stage right, and speak in a bent-out-of-shape old man's voice to a MORON.

I want to perform my act.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

N: Oh, it's a big hassle: 3 different species of owls on our Eretz, 2 pairs each, 1 mouse a day for each owl. That's 6 mice. And of course owls like mice ALIVE. Then there's the vultures. 2 endemic species, 2 pairs each, that's 4 mice a day. And of course vultures like their roadkill DEAD.

M: Dead roadkill. Go figure. It's almost an oxymoron, moron.

N: We don't like high-pitched mouse squeals, so the mice for the vultures will be gassed to death in a small airtight chamber Shem built into the second floor poop room. Because, as I said, H2S hydrogen sulfide gas wafting up from new-fallen poop is lethal at 600 parts per million. Put the poop in, put the mice in. Virtually painless. I'm a pacifist, you know.

M: Got it.

N: GOD tasked me with gathering enough food to feed each pair of endemic species in our ecoregion for all 370 days that we're going to be in the Ark. It would be okay IF all the species liked the same food. But they don't. The major poopers on the bottom floor will pass on a mouse every time. They like herb and leaves and grass. And each major pooper is very particular about his herb. They're not BIG on TWIG. Twigs get stuck in their teeth. They prefer leaves and buds. You don't want 7 cranky cows and 7 belligerent bulls rocking the Giant KAYAK on account of too many twigs in the herb. And I'm not going to FLOSS a bull. He sees you walking toward him with a LONG WHITE STRING, he thinks you're going to turn him into a STEER. Can't afford to have 7 belligerent bulls with hypertension goring holes in the side of the Giant KAYAK.

M: So who's in charge of making sure that all the twigs are removed from the leaves and the bud?

N: Ham.

M: Only makes sense. And the food stalls are located where?

N: Center, right across the aisle from the poop room (except for the mice which we keep downwind far away from the owls).

M: Across the aisle except for the mice? Family Geek eats?

N: Well, we can't eat mice. You have to gas them then you have to cook them. And my personal favorite, barbequed bull, is out of the question. Can't have a stove fire. Any combustion of organic matter automatically increases the concentration of CO2 carbon dioxide in the Ark. Increased carbon dioxide may markedly INCREASE plant growth rates, but it markedly DECREASES Noah's lifespan. I'm figuring on 370 days of ox jerky and salted fish. It's going to be PITCH-BLACK in that Ark. No opening the window for the first 40 days, unless Mama sneaks a sweet potato, breaks wind, then we'll have to take our chances.

M: PITCH-BLACK. So how will the Family Geek see their way down to the second floor poop room?

N: You don't want to be feeling your way around in the poop room! Mama had been mulling this around--how to light the Ark without KILLING EVERYBODY with carbon dioxide. And one day while Mama had a goat IMPALED on a spit--Woof!--she noted that goat fat dripping into the fire caused the fire to burn brighter. At the same time, Ham was busy separating the twigs from the bud and the leaves and tying up bags of the primo stuff with the bull's dental floss. She said, "Ham, give me some of that bull's dental floss." So he did. She took one of her tiny clay pots, partially filled it with potpourri, stuck the bull's dental floss in the center and poured in hot dripping goat fat. She called it a "NIYR" because now she could see NEAR or far. She also calls them "CAN-DELL" because she likens the Ark to a SMALL SECLUDED WOODED VALLEY and now she CAN see her way to the secluded valley poop room. She put seven of them side by side in mine and the boys' bathrooms. She calls them a "MEN-orah" because she says MEN need more light than women.

M: I bet bulls would appreciate one of those potpourried flaming lumps of animal lard in the food stall since it is across from the poop room.

N: Probably so, but you don't dare let the bulls see them. Just give them their BUD and let them CHILL.


when i first read this, i honestly thought it was one of those spam e-mails that i see occasionally with a short medieval theme going. you know, there'll be this nonsensey story where some dragon gets slayed or one about the man of la mancha in this weird text, like you know you're holding some kind of death spam if you keep the document open too long. but i goggled this performer's name and he is a real man, talking real smack about old skool religious themes.

he ain't no "tatiana and her amazing one woman show" or anything, but i ain't picky.

these are the things that break up a monotonous day at the office.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

why dorothy and toto went over the rainbow to blow off auntie em

i'm working on about two hours of sleep. up all night, fidgety as can be, worried about my family. kinda have a medical trifeca rolling between my dad and his leukemic ailments, my mother's recent breast cancer findings and the very serious possibility that my brother has multiple sclerosis.

while i am here:

using this:

to navigate this:

all my immediate family is here:

using many, many of these:

to make their way through this:

only 300 miles betwixt the two cities, but miles beyond in terms of differences. i don't hate da lou, but i'm so very reluctant to be there again. there's a deep fear receded within me that worries i'll never leave there if i go back. now, i've mentioned plenty that chicago won't be the last stop for my residence, but in the very recent past, i've found myself falling in love with my city over and over again. perhaps directly connected to the thought of leaving here against my own "choosing". (it ain't really a choice to want to help your family. it's not a dire obligation either, but something i'm feeling more and more that i *want* to do.) i just would not choose for this to be the time that i need to make such an extreme move.

if my parents need me, and i'm self-employed with the freedom to move and work from my home wherever i like, is it not selfishness on my part to hesitate to make this move to help them? i'm not hesitant to help, but man, are the stakes high to pick up and leave chicago. have to evaluate further tonight as the skyline around north avenue on highway 90 greets me coming home, bringing that familiar swell to my chest every time. whether arriving from o'hare after a long biz trip or just driving home from work, this makes me incredibly happy to be here, my home.