meet Agent99: a feisty chicago gurl making the rounds through her 30s accompanied by her canine sidekick, WeeBeastie.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

in which woonsocket remembers the crucial details

i've been on the d.l. for a few weeks and am back with some selected thoughts and rants.

my favorite rhode islander and i met up for tapas the other night @ "n". (where's that spanish tilde when you need it?)

we're chatting about a business excursion when she queries, "isn't that the guy whose lap you were all up on?"

"somebody's lap? who are you talking about?" say i.

"ah, i don't know. don't you remember telling me that story? you were on a business trip -- i thought this was recent. and you were all up in that guy's lap," said she.

(long pause.)

"well, i'm gonna have to think on that one for a minute........ i'm gonna think on it!! can you believe i just said that? (cackling outrageously) like it's *totally* possible this actually happened and i just gotta figure out who's lap i was perching on! oh, that's too much!" said yours truly.

"yeah, right? i know it was something you did on a business trip," she offered.

"shit, who the hell was this? i'm really wracking my brain........are you talking about that drama boy i went to puerto rico with? that wasn't biz, but i worked with him," i pressed on.

"no. no, it wasn't that. i'm sure this was a work trip," she said.

(she scratches her chin thoughtfully.) "jeez, who the hell was i creepin' on? was i creepin'? can you remember? this is cracking me up, yet disturbing me slightly as well."

we never came to any conclusions at the n, but as i was typing that last line, it suddenly occurred to me who she was talking about!

i was in d.c. on my final advertising foray, working a trade show for a client at my agency. we'd hired some "survivor" folks to hang in their booth and work a dinner for their key accounts. a limo was sent to pick up our entourage at da hote and there was scant room for any kind of seating, so i found myself gingerly placing my buttocks on the lap of my main player. and.......and, well, i know why my friend is remembering this incident (such that she could remember it). this man was on the extra hefty side, i ain't judgin', but he was and being squashed in to his lap put me a smidget too close to some nether-regions i had no business encountering. sighing relief, i can say, no, i was not creepin' on any biz associate past. i know he wasn't trying to get all up on my booty, but it gave me the wigs all the same.

quite a memory old Woonsocket has.