the site meter tells the story
incidentally, just because i don't post too often doesn't mean i'm not checking that site meter to see who's peeping in on my business.
when i see folks from a city i coincidentally know rather well rolling through multiple pages of my blog, that definitely gets my attention.
and when i can track that i.p. number to the site meter of a few blogs i know of, that makes me think someone i know is trying to track me down.
well, are you?
if so, please do me the favor of not linking this blog to anything of yours that puts me in contact w/ folks from back in my day. i purposely like to keep my identity on the d.l. so as to be able to speak somewhat freely on this forum.
not that i have any great beef with anyone reading this, otherwise i wouldn't be posting any of my thoughts on the internet. but at the same time, if you gotta hunt for my blog instead of me telling you the address.....ahem.
just be considerate, that's all i ask. this sistah ain't in to no blogging drama.
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