my "starter husband" chimes in

contrary to popular wisdom, you *can* remain friends with an ex. really. now, i wouldn't say it's a guarantee across the board, but i've been fortunate enough to stay on level ground with one who i grew up with for nearly six years, back in the mid-college to early working days.
he's married now, and thankfully not to me. there's no snark in that remark, because he's good peeps, but i'm glad i held fast over those years, dodging three engagement rings and coming out unscathed. i was spinning off in my own direction and he stayed firmly planted in his own. we seem to have plenty in common now, as his mother is also in a major cancer battle. haven't seen him in a few years and likely won't anytime soon, but we do correspond on a fairly regular basis.
here's his latest dispatch to me:
Yo Chiquita...
I was thrust into a trip down memory lane over the weekend, when we were kicking it by a cozy fire, drinking our cares away with another couple at their lake house at the Ozarks, when on pops (one of my old friends).
Wasnt he the groom at the wedding that was held on the surface of the sun in mid-august at the First Church of Holy Fuck its Hot, where your boob kept wanting to sneak out for air from that purple thing you were wearing? and where I couldnt go to the rehearsal because of his crazy ass mom? and the reception was in the backyard?
Is this him? If so, what was his wife's name? Wasnt she the one who used to have phsycic visions of stuff, and was usually right on target?
Of course I was giggling to myself while remembering sitting in the hotel room eating pizza while you were at the rehearsal, even though as I recall I was working at kinko's and printed the rehearsal invite's at a deep discount and his wacked mom STILL said I couldnt come.
I know over time history tends to get altered as it sits untouched in the brain, so if I'm way off please advise. I was surprised that I remember details so vividly.
no arguments about past perceived woes, just past nonsense traipsing through our memory banks. i wish this relationship with an ex on everyone.
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