something tells me i won't be missing this "relationship"

i got a call yesterday from another agent in chicago. these folks are strictly non-union, and while i most definitely aspire to join the union and make love to its performance rates, in the beginning stages of this endeavor, i shall not be casting aside any opportunities.
so, this agent wanted me to come by on thursday for an interview and audition to see if they'd like to bring me on their roster. initially, i was very interested, but told this dude that i'll be out of town and asked if we could make it tomorrow or next week. he then went on to inform that rescheduling wasn't possible and they'd keep me in mind for "the next batch". i pried a bit further and it turns out that they don't schedule any new talent interviews until they get a big pile of each catagory (v/o, print, film, etc), at which time they bring everyone in all together to interview. he was in a big rush to get off the phone and told me this was best, because when they'd tried to honor people's schedules in the past and slid them into an interview group that wasn't their "batch", "they just fell right through the cracks and didn't get to showcase themselves".
now, how you gonna tell me that if i'm in a room with 50 wannabe models, my 5' frame is going to not be noticed? seriously! you've got one person who speaks in the thick of a "batch" who are there to look good, and the odd man out is not going to be noticed? that's fine. that leads me to believe that the situation with the agents in this office wouldn't be the best. if you aren't interested enough to schedule an appointment for me, then i doubt you'll be inclined to work very hard on my behalf. you go ahead and call me when the next batch is ready to be harvested, and it will please me greatly to tell you "no thanks."
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