could it be it was all so simple then, or has time re-written every line?
WeeBeastie encountered another doggie ghost today. at least that's what i think she's up to when on rare occasions she will stand uber close to a wall with her tail waggy, tilting her head side to side. it's always in an area that's bright with sunlight or little glinting lights which according to the MobilePsychic could very well be a past pet trying to communicate from the afterlife. who knows? it's cute when she does it, so i like it. my lamb dog.
went whole hog suburban on tuesday night, visiting Woonsocket's new condo out in the western lands. it took a half hour for us just to get from our office area to the kennedy. absolutely ridic, but after that, i admit surprise in the speed of travel, especially considering how damn far we were going. the new crib is airy and they're right by a forest preserve in a quiet neighborhood, which seems fine and all, we had a great walk on their subdivision's paved paths, but i just could not do it. i see pieces of the appeal, but if you don't have children yet, i don't see any reason to get into that settled mode any faster than you need to. especially with the vehicular drama during rush hours here, i just couldn't willingly put myself into an hour commute "on a good day". man, hell no! i am glad for my peeps who get the things they dream of, so i wish well.
last evening's outing was urban in all aspects. worked til 7:30 then raced home to give WeeBeastie a shank run. and run we did, for four blocks solid before any sign of slowing. having her 12th birthday isn't slowing that hound down at all. moderatelyl changed my outfit, got sufficiently mahed out then headed to schubas for an installment of the international pop overthrown fest. got to see the awesome david singer and the sweet science and am now a fan. we were guests of a fantabulous band, "fooling april", who is looking for a rep. still not sure if we'll pick them up, but YangBoss and i really, really liked them. so much that their merch table was luring me like the last temptation of christ. i snagged an adorable t and made friends with the april guys hanging nearby and directed them to the six way for some late night bartime. old Mole has practically neutered me because it didn't occur to me at all to go hang with these talented and cute menfolk when they asked for my reco on places to go. reminds me of how i used to run around with the jazz cats during my earlier years in chicago, and how much has changed since those days. not for bad, but i was more interested in decompressing and getting my man fed after the rigors of his first oil painting class. we dropped by clarke's on belmont for some grub and walked back to the car, hand in hand, a good evening behind us.