meet Agent99: a feisty chicago gurl making the rounds through her 30s accompanied by her canine sidekick, WeeBeastie.

Friday, April 22, 2005

these are the days when anything goes

my whereabouts for the previous three weeks:

* monday, march 28 -- voiceover workshop w/ VoxyLady
* thursday, march 31 -- demo recording session
* friday, april 1 -- the weirdest improv performance i've ever attended @ this dinner club that time forgot in the wrigley building downtown. when i'm told the dinner show is comped, i'm not anticipating having to shell out $100 for Mole and i to eat. a "free" show does not require me to eat subpar food while watching tired performers scream into the dining room from atop some 1982 risers.
* saturday, april 2 -- the great abs workout followed by cardio kick boxing. final four basketball game and dinner @ WidgetControl and Sketch's place.

* monday, april 4 -- saw the funniest damn muslim comedy around @ zanie's. these guys are on our roster and had me falling out! watched the last minutes of the ncaa basketball finals in the green room. on the way home on the chicago bus, i caught the eye of a fine ass lite chocolate brotha. he was giving me the look of love and i woulda been sorely tempted to act up if not for the Mole.
* tuesday, april 5 -- demo recording session
* wednesday, april 6 -- demo recording session
* thursday, april 7 to monday, april 11 -- glorious san francisco with the constant presence of conservative rhetoric in my face. SFPushy has written me twice now proclaiming how much fun she had and imploring me to visit again soon. WidgetControl assessed it correctly by saying this bitch was *needing* a visitor. there must be a pheromone in me that attracts these self-centered peeps. i did enjoy jaunting through the wine country though.

tuesday, april 12 -- demo recording session
friday, april 15 -- my first experience seeing "hair" after performing it last in 2001. truly magnificent. followed by a midnight show by this pushy improv team who wants us to rep them. again, i have to ask where these "talent" think they get the fuck off being demanding with me regarding taking them on our roster. i'm not trying to front on your shit, but if i tell you i don't think we have room for your type of act, do you think huffing that you're oh so different from our line-up and giving me attitude is going to pursuade me to want to take you? listen to yourself and think!
saturday, april 16 -- demo recording session

i need to exercise more to keep up with all this.