meet Agent99: a feisty chicago gurl making the rounds through her 30s accompanied by her canine sidekick, WeeBeastie.

Friday, June 24, 2005

a.m. dope r&d

made a stop at the Improv Olympic's offices today to pick up my course book and i.d. card for the training program i started this week. natch, i was running late to the first class and missed the passing out of the above items, so i had to roll in before work today to retrieve them. the girl who does the admin work there was zoomed in on a website about the affects of marijuana on the human body. the office is decorated with kitschy drug items, so i know she's on my team, but in the few seconds i debated on saying anything, the lite paranoia of my own morning's puffings kept my mouth squarely shut. wanted to comment, because i found it funny that's what she was researching during her workday, but if i did........she'd know! averting turning myself into my very own "druggachusetts" character, i simply split with a smile.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

if it must be photographed, was it worth remembering?

on a beautiful balmy night last week, the Mole and i took advantage of our budding culinary station on the back porch. he grilled veggie dogs and sweet potatoes and the heat from the day had subsided enough for us to stay outside and savor our meal. our lounging ended with a glorious orangeyredpurplish sunset that miraculously lasted through three attempts to get film into my camera, including re-photographing over a roll that did not want to release itself from my camera. one can only guess how these images will turn out if i didn't totally cash the film, but it does beget the question of whether capturing an event on film nullifies its need for rememberence? does locking that vision of the setting sun into a state of permanancy help me recall its brilliance, or did it just keep me from fully experiencing it while it was happening? ponderous...

had a moment of dope slovenliness that bears noting. laying on the couch with my normal blunt edge pipe in hand, i didn't seem to notice that the smoking bud had made its way out and onto the interior of my breast. i looked down just in time to see a quarter size hole singe right through my shirt, thankfully not burning my skin at all in the process. it really sucked, as my t-shirt population seems to keep getting smaller as the washer wrangles the sizing right out of them, and i dug this particular t. it was aqua with sparkley silver letters on front saying "famous". what a shame. when notified of my stupid spaciness, Mole danced around the living room singing, "my girlfriend is an addict! my girlfriend is an addict!"

fortunately, some new t's arrived post haste to make up for the lacking in my summer wardrobe. i'm sporting "reading is sexy" for the first time today. indeed it is.

speaking of the read, i'm interested to know if there are any trolling souls out there like me, periodically bumping onto this little land of the lost blog. i am quite the reader sans commenter of other strangers' blogs, but open the floor if there happens to be anyone glancing my way at this moment. feel free to chirp if you care to.

Monday, June 06, 2005

city gurl loves her sundays

the warmth is here for as many weeks as we can wrangle it and Agent99 is out in the elements. weekend = uninterrupted hours outdoors from here on out. when all is right with the breezes and wheezes, i can still love chicago. kicked off the free time with sushi on thursday @ blue fin with the lovely and talented, sam shaber. she was breezing through town on the way to gigs in colorado ultimately, and stopping in many a midwest town in between. really enjoying getting to know her and am certain she's going to do really well with our bookings this year. had a great american smokeout on friday with Namaste in her pimped out crib. we're in that telling the stories of our lives part of our budding relationship right now, so there was stories aplenty to spill while we rotated from balcony to porch to kitchen throughout the evening. even as a gemini/cancer cusp child, we are eerily similar in our fanatic ways. we a funny pair already. charged through multiple loads of laundry on saturday and then had smokey time with Woonsocket before our mishap attempt to take WeeBeastie to the beach. right after she arrived at my place, the sky exploded thus rendering WeeBeastie a soaky dirty dog within a few steps from our place toward my auto. when i asked for Woonsocket's opin on whether the canine would destroy the interior with funky paws, she shrugged and said, "hey, your car, your dog, your call.' i made the call to leave that nappy hound at the crib. we then went on a search for sushi that put us at the chicago chocolate company on randolph having covered strawberries on their patio while waiting for the sushi joints to open for dinner. we sat outside at izumi and had a great roll new to me: a hawaiian with mango infused unagi. it was all sunshine and smiles during our meal, so the day turned out well and we got some good strolling in around the warehouse district instead of the sand. raced home to get ready for the debut of two of Wry's plays that he won top honors for at this year's vitality playwriting festival @ speaking ring theatre. i remain convinced that he would thrive in this city -- and my hunches are thus far proven correct as he was telling me of the contacts and promises for future work he received from these peeps. hope this is the beginning of more visits from him. i really love seeing my peeps achieve their dreams. and that leads us to today, my very fave day of the week. slept in heavily then took the Mole to City Coffee for his daily grind. walked WeeBeastie around the northside lake area, then drove down to a new southside beachfront and ran her shanks. shot some "dog takes on skyline" photography with a new roll of color film (my first in two years). back home for porch patrol then shopping @ the angrytown victoria's secret and the whole paycheck. an absolutely perfect day.

now, if you'll excuse me, it's almost sun-up and i need to mah out and create a collage of hair products in my universe for my shampoo focus group tomorrow.