skip to da lou, my darlin'
back from a few days of hometown relaxation and report that the visit was a good one. made a very good decision to avoid the holiday traffic on friday night and hit the shoeland with Mole in search of cheapy sandals. emerged with three new pairs and some socks and headed home to puff before seeing our second performance by Mucca Pazza, the incredibly nutty marching band i stumbled upon via Redmoon Theatre last week. hit the road early on saturday morning and had a super easy drive down, slightly under five hours in the car. at MeMaw's insistance, i went through my remaining buckets of adolescent memories in my old bedroom closet and sent a good garbage bag's worth out to their death. Mole is eagerly anticipating going through the surviving boxes of notes and scrapbooks from back in my day. should paint a funny picture of Agent99 as a young lass.
visits to da lou are becoming more vacationesque the longer i'm away because there are always so many new restaurants emerging for me to try out. i met Bojangles, his new man Goliath, Neesia, Gnosis and MamaSun @ 1111 in lafayette square. wish i'd known they had such a cute patio when i made the reso, but our indoor dining was fine as well. had a great plate of veggies in balsamic that were really delish. afterward, we headed over to AMP, a newer addition to the manchester road corridor in the city. this was the most interesting incident of my weekend journey, by far. i was perched at a hi-top w/ Bojangles and Goliath when this girl came over to the table and told Goliath that she'd met him at a party before. as she's chatting with him, i realize that she and i went to high school together (this is a hilarious phenomenon in da lou, truly the smallest of small towns u.s.a. as far as seeing people you know everywhere.) we're catching up a bit when she tells me that someone else at her table wants to talk to me. i roll over there and this guy announces that "we just love your nose!" now, i always have trouble with this odd compliment becuase the abuse i rolled with throughout childhood in regard to this snoot is extreme, so as an adult, i'm always suspect of these weirdos who dig the button nose. laughed it off and kept catching up with my old acquaintence, during which i'm getting an odd vibe from this nose dude and am overhearing random snippets of convo he's having with Bojangles about me. imagine my utter suprise though when Bo was leaving, he whispered in my ear, "that guy and his wife want you to go home with them! they both think you're really hot and he's been bending my ear about you!" you know, it's all fine and good to try to drum up your own bedroom fun, but going about trying to orchestrate it by creeping around my friend and bugging him about whether i'd join a threesome or not is not the method i'd recommend to get me interested. nor is wearing a baseball jersey while you're out, much less one advertising a former client of mine. no backward baseball cap and the girl was pretty alt-y looking, but still they were not at all my type. as i was leaving, nose boy hailed me over because he wanted to introduce me to his "very hot friend" who appeared to be a very gay man to me, so i'm uncertain how this third wheel fit into their plan, but i knew i wasn't gonna be the fourth.
after my escape from the bar, i reconvened with Neesia, Gnosis and MamaSun for a few hours of puffing hilarity. Sun wants to do a documentary on our Hair experience. can't wait to see the can of worms that endeavor will open up.
rounding things out with a family birthday bbq on sunday is pretty blase' compared to being solicited for small group sex.
i will be in da lou again in three weeks' time for sun and pool. i will not be having group sex with any of that house's inhabitants.