meet Agent99: a feisty chicago gurl making the rounds through her 30s accompanied by her canine sidekick, WeeBeastie.

Monday, January 24, 2005

in a blur of the snowglobe

man, this has been one crazed week. i've been running and running and pretty much collapsed into inclimate weather lockdown over the weekend. in seven days, i made my first appearance at a book club, started my volunteer affiliation with recording for the blind and dyslexic, acquired free instapaint through a focus group, made a new friend in Namaste and braved a major snowstorm to see LadyCabaret's latest show at davenport's. the domestic tranquility of my days off were much deserved. yesterday would have been perfect for cross-country skiing, but i just couldn't force Mole back out into the elements after he suffered so much public transport frostbite on saturday. have to make sure i save a february sunday for hitting the trails.

getting many pesky to-do's off my list is giving me a sense of control again. felt like i was choking on all i needed to get done until a few completions gave me some breathing room. automating my bills should have been done ages ago, but at least i'll be avoiding some overdue payment drama from here on out. if only the health insurance was rectified, i'd be in good shape. did make the initial appointment with the production house to get my demo working and hopefully get these pipes working too. i'm at the point where i no longer wish to wait another table and think this could bring me that incidental income and more. it's going to be an expensive little endeavor, but who ever said that fame is cheap? i trust VoiceCoach's recommendations and know this producer gets her people work. if LispyDramaQueen can get a national spot, there is hope for Agent99.

things i need: a haircut, groceries, firewood and a sparkling clean crib for MeMaw's visit on friday.