these boots were made for fallin'
after submerging myself within all the snow drifts yesterday, i decided i would not suffer another winter here with just my old skool sportos and hit the famous footwear in search of some ugg-esque boots. now, i say "esque" because i refuse to buy into the frenzy over this brand of clunky shoe. in fact, i really want no part of wearing anything like them for fear of looking like a fading trendista, but i need some tall wooley action on my hind paws. i found a delightful pair of pale blue rocketdog boots with a suedey feel that seemed to fit the bill. too form fitting up my calf to allow for the tight pants tucked in boot trend rocking hollywood wannabees (and lincoln park trixies), just a simple thick soled boot to keep my toes toasty. they're quite comfy, but apparantly have treachery on their mind because they pulled me down on my ass on our stairs this morning. i still don't know what, if anything, i slid into, but it pulled both feet straight up in the air and landed my back squarely on the corner of a wooden step, shooting a nice referral pain straight up to my already shakey neck. i really need some insurance.
today's quote, from 7.14.01:
"well, you could die tomorrow, and who'd be laughing then?"
-- TheSCurve (or "yo daddy", as Neesia referred to him), that mouthy artist boy i traipsed around with briefly....twice...., after i told him about Neesia and i gasping in giggling horror when we discovered that the two bottles of wine we'd knocked out during my 27th birthday din-din at the southern belle in da lou cost $90 instead of the $50 we were expecting
bonus quote, from 7.19.01:
"ugh! that place is DIRTY! it's like a human stew!"
-- Brusace, former Dramatoni co-worker on the funkified water park, raging rivers, in alton, illinois
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