meet Agent99: a feisty chicago gurl making the rounds through her 30s accompanied by her canine sidekick, WeeBeastie.

Monday, January 03, 2005

new year's discontent

i'd hoped to be writing an exciting reflection on december 31, but i really must learn that i know myself above all others and therefore, i should respond to gut instincts whenever i feel them welling in my abdomen. Mole and i had laid back plans for the overblown holiday to just catch a show at schubas. no big dinner, no ridic cover price to cavort with a mob of suburban simpletons on the biggest amateur night of the year. then, i accepted an invite to join CheetahGurl & Sketch and LadyB and her man for dinner at the swanky sushi cum latin place downtown. i often seem to have issue with this holiday and i thought it would be much better spent with peeps i dig. i knew the prices we'd be looking at, since i'd had a very strange hire/then reneg situation with this restaurant in the summer when i was looking for a new place to whore myself out to in an escape from the SteakhouseManifest. even still, i thought we could keep this a somewhat financially controlled evening out given that mr. man and i both don't really drink anymore and with my wilted sense of appetite, i wouldn't need more than an appetizer or two to feel stuffed. so, after we'd accepted the invite and were added into the reso count, my man went on the establishment's website and discovered that there was a $75 minimum per person for this overglorified night on the town. none of our party was happy with this news, especially since CheetahGurl had made a total of three calls about the reso and was *never* informed about this policy and now, if we were to cancel, Sketch would face a $50 charge *per person* on his credit card. in essence, we were stuck. so, by this time, i can already feel impending disappointment coming on, because i have a lucky way with events that are costing me out the ass becoming not quite what i'd hoped, but at least the company would be good, right? that ain't nothin' to overlook, because there's certainly been times the blahness of the event has come on *and* it's been with people who cause me drama to boot. in da club, i was surprised in the effectiveness of the service we received (especially given the multiple bad reviews this place kept getting on metromix) and rather enjoyed the latin jazz ensemble that was playing, especially the cool interaction with the live dj scratching. but it was loud. real loud. such that i could not hear anything going on at the table, and when that happens, i tend to shut down. it becomes too much effort to keep shrieking at everyone and tires me quickly. i'm sure it wasn't helping matters that i just was not feeling this evening out and instead of really enjoying it, i was worrying about the massive chunk of coin we were going to drop on this mess, thinking about places it would be much better spent. thankfully, in the company of good friends, i at least don't feel pressured to be on if i'm not, so at least it was calm. after dinner, LadyB discovered she'd lost her credit card, so we made our way back to their hotel to make sure it wasn't in the room and to get her phone so she could call to have it cancelled if need be. there was no issue in doing this, but it put us in the car for a good while dodging mobs of drunkies in four inch stillettos combined with a snail's pace traffic jam of suburbanites leaving downtown did not add to my feelings of merriment. with this in mind, you can imagine i was overjoyed to finally reach the lounge we'd selected when i could see that it was packed to the gills from the street. at this point, i didn't even try to communicate, just stuck to my hiding position in front of a juke box and near the door, mashed among throngs of drunk asses, counting the minutes til escape. i wanted nothing more than to be home getting high in the quiet splendor of our little abode. i think i fell asleep on the futon, lamenting the $200 we'd never recover from this evening. next year, i will know better than to try to do something on this night. it just ain't my thang, do what i wanna do. happy 2005.

with a new year on my hands, i don't want to bust out a litany of tired resolutions, but instead a list of things to *focus on*. currently, my number one priority is:

* avoiding the black hole i often succumb to during winter -- the nasty weather is here and so are my downhill moods. (perhaps hence the reason of my low feelings on the holidays) i must be one of the thousands who deal with seasonal affective disorder, because i can feel the struggle come on when the days turn grey. these particular months were my undoing during the beginning of my residency in chicago, so i can't ignore the glum when it comes on. and it is here now. so, to combat the blahs, i joined the cheetah gym last week to bring the yoga practice back into my life, but i know i'll need the next few weeks of constant attendance to make this something i *want* to do everyday. i'm going to a young feminist book club reading in a couple of weeks and will make that a monthly obligation, if i like it. i have a voice demo that desperately needs to be organized and produced. there are things to be done, i just need to stay on some kind of remote schedule to keep my head above water.

don't like to end on a negative note, but i'm just so blah today.
