e cursum perfectum = i stay the course
some things to keep in the front of my mind:
* collect final 2004 checks from grill-o-matic restaurant to provide TaxMan with my pertainent info. call visa to see if i can procure checks for first payment asap.
* according to a call i just received, investigate where my other damn credit card payment has ended up. i know i paid that thing on time.
* find a bone marrow registry center in the city to avoid burb travel.
* book airline tix to new orleans for march visit.
* put the tenants union on notice. find out what the hell is going on with our case.
* keep hitting the gym. figure out a 5 day per week schedule that i can live with and stick with it.
* keep hashing out new ad copy for voiceover demo. dig through old recordings for anything on the singing front that's salvagable for jingles. schedule time at the recording studio!!
* finalize volunteering schedule
* find more potential new pals on the cl
* get to work earlier, leave earlier
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