meet Agent99: a feisty chicago gurl making the rounds through her 30s accompanied by her canine sidekick, WeeBeastie.

Friday, January 14, 2005

i hur ya knockin', but ya can't come in

* i was further delayed getting to work this morning by the thick layer of ice that trapped the malibu's doors tightly shut despite my straining arms scratching and pulling. hiked across ashland to the marathon gas station and luckily found a couple cans of de-icer (one for now and another to help avoid this problem in the future). the cashier man started quizzing me about my windows being frozen over and when i said it was the doors, he ran around to find "the right stuff you need" and presented me with a different type of de-icing agent specifically for door locks. we were about to re-ring the order when i guess i made myself clearer about the doors themselves being frozen, we had to ring around rosy again to go back to the original de-icer i'd picked out. of the few times anyone in this metropolis actually gives a shit about helping you out, this little exercise only ending up adding an additional 15 minutes and more confusion to my already stressful commute. i really shouldn't complain though, because i fully realize that the next time i really do need some assist, it ain't gonna be nowhere to be found.

* broke the cycle of forgetting my make-up and have remembered to cover up my coon eyes for the past two mornings. i'm by no means a make-up whore, but you sure could tell when i skipped on ye old mary kay concealer. gots to keep up the illusion of young, fresh as dew skin. moisturizing is truly the least expensive or involved youth serum and a habit i've just recently picked up. one of the delights of turning 30 -- *really* caring about how i'm aging.

* have a newfound dedication to pushing the limits of my physical endurance. finding time for the gym is not nearly as taxing as i'd anticipated and i actually want to spend more time outside doing things, while not renegade and reckless, just some naturey exercise. thus, i'm hoping we get the dustings of snow this week so we can try out cross-country skiing next weekend. Mole can get back to his norwegian rutts. :) think it would be great for our shanks and a way to find some enjoyment in this nasty season here. with some snow comfort built up, i can work my way into snowboarding, my other little goal for the winter. need to check out alpine valley online to see what their story is. next stop on the dreamland express: a walking half-marathon in december, the rock n' roll in phoenix for the leukemia society. training would start in the late summer, which would be convenient. i gots powah in my feets!