sound advice for voiceover
had my first appointment with VoxyLady last week and feel very confident that i will find some success in this endeavor. it officially marks my final attempt to get anything creative swinging for myself in this city before i pack it up and move on. it's nothing negative in my eyes, just a realization that i no longer wish to subject myself to this insane cost of living if i'm not utilizing the city for my pursuits. and since i know i don't want to do theatre anymore (unless some really interesting opp reared its head and i was confident it would be lacking standard theatre folk drama) and the trials and tribulations of these flaky bands are not want i want either, i know i can be just as happy living la vida loca in new orleans and working the agent gig from home. i realize that this is going to require some serious work on my part, which i'm ready and able to do, but i firmly believe that there will be a nice r.o.i. at my disposal when it's all said and done. have my first coaching session on wednesday where i'll get in the studio and VL will assess my strengths and we'll start working from there. she's totally connected to the pulse of this industry, and if she can get LispyDramaQueen a mcdonald's spot, then i *know* there is work out there for me too.
bah dah bomp bah baaaaaah! i'm lovin' it!
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