aha! i have checked in to the site formerly known as my blog, and no Agent99 posts are showing up there. success! those snooping eyes shan't be up in my biz no mo'! i really enjoy having my privacy here, even though any old folks from cyberworld can indeed drop in, but who is? if there are trolling eyes peeping here, no one is mouthing off to let their presence be known. fine by me. this venue is simply a quicker, more concise way for me to keep on task and remember what the hell i'm supposed to be doing. if anyone is remotely enjoying my tales of inner searching, they're silent fans. but, even with the possibility of anyone in the interweb chiming in, i'd rather keep my presence here on the d.l. from those not within my inner circle. i don't need to share that much of myself, most especially with those with whom i'm not sharing my daily living.
Woonsocket wants to go show-shoe crawling on saturday. too bad MeMaw will be here. i really want to test out these winter sporting activities. there has to be something to enjoy about the tundra for the next few months. i must admit that today's dusting of snow was some of the prettiest i've peeped, both in flight and landing on my car. everything flew away with a single swoop of the wrist, scraping not needed here. a little less accumulation of the icy variety on the streets would be grand, though.
a $7000 job for february! great to add in to my good month! might have another 4 grand on the line today as well. could things perchance be picking up?
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