every blog has its day
so, after i switched my blog away from the wandering dalliances to good old agent99, i found that the dalliances were still accessible on the net, but i couldn't make any adjustments to it. a nice little tech lamb at blogger kindly removed the page for me, but said that it may show up on search engines for awhile longer. curiousity peaked, especially since i've shared neither of these blogs with anyone of my own accord, i did a google search and found this hit:
it's some kind of patent attorneys site and i still haven't figured out what relationship these random blog entries form with the site content, but there i was, linked and all, specifically to my diatribe about what has thus far, become my last day serving at the TouristChophouse. have no idea why they'd be interested, but it amused me to no end that some patent lawyers were privy to my ranting.
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