meet Agent99: a feisty chicago gurl making the rounds through her 30s accompanied by her canine sidekick, WeeBeastie.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

me talk pretty one day

my "can i talk smack for your client?" endeavors are jumping along. the current scorecard reads as follows:

agents in chicago: 1 locked in, 1 in the wings
agents in milwaukee: 1 locked in
agents in portland: 1 in the wings, already playing cameo roles

i worked my way past the christmas tree lots covered in the first major drop of snow for the season through the downtown throngs to an audition w/ my local agency today. i'd been told i would be reading for a series of country music television spots, then my agent surprised me w/ a couple of others to do as well for tilex ("there's a better way to control your mold problem!")and one-a-day for women. meeting w/ the agent in the wings next week.

one more biz trip for 2005. off to atlanta tomorrow to help the greeks of the south understand more about date rape. happy to do so as it ensures a relaxing weekend w/ my childhood pal, Clancy. and a reprieve from the cold chill sure to envelope chicago this weekend.