meet Agent99: a feisty chicago gurl making the rounds through her 30s accompanied by her canine sidekick, WeeBeastie.

Monday, December 13, 2004

journal backloggin'

periodically, i'll dig through my pen & paper journals and place a few choice nips in here to keep some random thoughts from the past alive. here's a recent edition that made me chuckle:

nov. 17, 2004

(background: Agent99, yours truly, spends her daylight -- and many evening -- hours booking entertainers at colleges and universities around the nation, in addition to corporate and festival gigs. my agency has a neverending pile of promo from artists who want representation and i often let Mole, my finely-tuned musical man, check them out for an outside opinion.)

at home listening to a band from l.a. that approached me at a recent biz conference, wanting a rep. i liked the band itself (funky jazz with horns and keys), but not so much the singers. Mole and i are watching their dvd when i ask,

"so, what do you think of this song?"

Mole grimaces and says, "it sounds like eminem's brother duetting with sheryl crowe's sister."

"but do you like it?" say i.